Me Olde Gun Room

The price includes Blackburn one piece bottom metal !
Available for sale for $ .
Most every scope you see on the rifles listed here are brand new. I used to be a Swarovski/Steiner/Kahles dealer. I took all of my left over stock and mounted them on my rifles to make them look good on display. Most all of the custom rifles are brand new and unfired. The scopes are attached for cosmetic purposes only and are virtually brand new. I am accepting offers on any of those scopes.
In addition, I have the following:
Steiner 1.5 - 6 x 42 x 30mm Dangerous Game Scope. This scope is from their Penatrator Infrared Series. This scope is brand new and in the box.

Available for Purchase. $950.00 o.b.o.
This is in "as new" condition. It has never been mounted on a weapon. It was tested and then put away and not used.
The Aries "Smart Scope" Features:
Digital "Smart Technology"
Automatic Brightness Control
Built in AMT 100m IR illuminator
Internally adjustable lit reticle for windage and elevation
Mounts to standard U.S. Weaver base
Recoil & flash resistant intensifier tube
Auto "sleep" mode
Video/35mm camera adaptable
Superb muti-coated 6 element lens system
Assembled in USA

The scope has a range finding reticle and includes a Pelican case. This scope can be had for only $1000.00.
This is a true classic. This is the Viet Nam Era night vision rifle scope. There are just not very may of these around. I purchased it on a lark many years ago. I took it varmint hunting. It works like a champ.
At the time I purchased it, the previous owner had rigged up a battery holder than worked off double a batteries. It worked fine. At that time I was able to find some new of the correct batteries and used them. I put some away but it's been years and although I still have them they are not charged. Whether they could be recharged or not, I don't know but they are brand new. If correct batteries cannot be found then it can be made to run off the double a's but I don't have the original modification.

The case is pressurized and government marked. Excellent condition.

After pulling this out of my safe and doing some research, there is one thing I can tell you. There aren't very many of these out there. Apparently they are receiving a new lease on life as collectors recreate Viet Nam Sniper setups.

The top left is a battery the size of a motorycycle battery. It's in a canvas belt holster. This battery can be easily replaced and is the one that drives the IR Emitter.
The top right black cone shaped item is the IR Emitter. Think of it as a giant flashlight that only emits IR.
At the bottom right are two extra bulbs for the emitter.
Along the bottom is the actual night vision scope itself.
The two square boxes wrapped in plastic are the brand new batteries.
When put together it looks like this:
Type: Active Infrared light source and viewing telescope
Weight: 28 pounds complete with battery
Effective range: about 150-200 yards
Effective range: about 150-200 yards
As the M14 rifle was being developed to replace the M1 Garand and the M1 Carbines, work was also underway on a night vision sight better than the Korean War era units used on the M3 Carbine. The resulting AN/PAS 4 used an active infrared light source and an electronic telescope to detect and convert the infrared image into a visible image. However, the unit was still very heavy, but more reliable, and had a greater effective range. It could be mounted quickly on any standard M14 rifle with no modifications required. While the use of an active light source made use on the battlefield a risky job, it did provide the ability to fight at night.
About 4,000 of these sights were made in 1962, the last of the active infrared systems. Within a few years they were made obsolete by the passive “Starlight” scopes. Despite the relatively large number made, few of the AN/PAS-4 scopes are found in collections."
They are very slick! Available for $2495.00.
I've always admired the fantastic sculptures and art that I would see at the Safari Club International Conventions. These conventions bring together the most talented and gifted "outdoor" artists of our time.
People usually think of whitetail as being peaceful animals. Occasionally, you will see a painting or sculpture of bucks fighting or somesuch but more often they are depicted as peacefully browsing in a meadow. Well, I've hunted whitetail deer all of my life. Then I spent about ten years involved in owning and managing a ranch that specialized in hunting whitetail and I am here to tell you that the life of a whitetail is anything but peaceful.
Sure you see pictures of bucks with their horns locked but that's so overdone that it's almost a cliche. If you have ever had the chance to watch bucks fight, you know that there's a whole lot more going on that horns banging together.
Well, I was walking down the aisle at one of the Safari Club Conventions when I saw one of the most stunning pieces of whitetail art that I have ever seen. That was when I met Burl Jones (click here for link). What an artist !
In a piece called "Autumn Ritual", Burl captured the reality of the violence that IS life for a whitetail.
Take a look :

Well, I just had to have it. Burl is a good man and after a bit of discussion and haggling, I managed to talk Burl out of the Number 1 Casting ! I couldn't believe it. I owned the first of a limited run of only 30.
The sculpture is 20 inches tall by about 14 inches. The base is beautifully finished walnut. The sculpture sets on a sheet of marble. The whole sculpture rotates.
Well, Burl had a bit of bad luck but it turned out to be my good luck. The mold was accidentally destroyed and there were only four of these made. That is all there will ever be!

If you are into "exclusivity", this is a chance of a lifetime. The cost for this beautiful piece of art is only $4950.00.
I know this has to be an issue with you. At least if you have a nice gun collection.
What's the best way to enjoy your gun collection when you are not at the range? There are some really beautiful gun cabinets out there. Problem is that the ones that show off your guns aren't safe.
You have to keep the guns locked up. Not only is it the law in most places but it is prudent in any case.
Now, when you've spent a lot of money on really nice guns it's just a crying shame to have to keep them in an ugly steel safe. Most of my friends wives make them hide those safes, they're so ugly.
Well, I found what I felt like what the perfect solution. I was at a gun show down in central Texas. I met an older guy (this was fifteen years ago at least). He was obviously an artisan and he had come up with the perfect solution.
He invented a safe that not only kept your guns secure but allowed you to show them off as well.
Here's a picture of my "then" gun room. It shows the gun safes/cabinets to the right and behind the sheep.

Now, I want to show you what makes them so special.

SURPRISE ! When you open the left cabinet, there is an actual steel safe. Inside the safe is a wooden drawer. This is an extremely secure location and you can use it to keep your Rolex collection (joking, unless you have a Rolex collection, then by all means).

This picture shows the drawer open. The arrow shows you the location of a switch and a secret lever. The switch turns the built in alarm system on and off. The alarm system also interfaces with your existing alarm system. This way, if the alarm on the cabinet is set off, it will also set off your house alarm system.
I will come back to the secret lever !

This is a close up of the hardened steel tube covered in rubber. Next to it is a hardened steel shaft that has been notched on the end, as you can clearly see. This notched end slides into the tube

Once a gun is placed into position, the rod is inserted all the way until it seats. Each row will hold three long guns. I used to occasionally rotate the guns as to whichever gun was in the front.

This is a picture of one of the safes as it sits today in my house. Pay no attention to the wierd artifacts in this picture. The cabinet is perfect and the glass is flawless. Notice the rods that hold the guns. The bottom row is for hand guns and the rest are for long guns.
The bottom cabinets lock.

This picture shows the rods that actually hold the guns. As ou can see, there is a rounded dowel sticking out to go through the trigger guard on your guns. The other end sits on a steel shelf with a velvet lining.
The dowels are not dowels actually. They are hardened steel tubes that have been colored brown and covered with clear rubber to protect your valuable fire arms.

This picture shows the other end of the steel rod. As you can see it has a large hardened steel disk attached to the end of it. This disk, has in turn, been covered with solid oak and overlaps the disk so that nothing of it appears from the front or sides.

Back to the secret lever. This lever, in turn, moves another lever (also hardened steel) which goes all the way up to the top of the gun case.
This lever locks in those hardened steel rods we referred to above. They are locked in quite tight and will not release without the lever being moved.
The result is that your rifles are now thoroughly locked in by the trigger guards. They cannot be removed without totally destroying the guns. Fortunately that is not the usual M.O. for thieves.
The glass doors do not lock. Why lock them? If you do, the thief will simply break the glass. This way he just opens the door. Of course when he opens the door it immediately sets off your alarm system. He continues at this point with a loud (presumably) siren screaming at him and the knowledge that the police are on their way.
He's foiled when he tries to remove a gun. At this point, he generally leaves.
I will tell you how I generally handled things. Whenever I had somebody into the house for the first time and they were in the gun room the guns would always come up. At that point, I would take the person up to the cabinet and show him how it worked. That way he would know that it was impenatrable. Now, you might ask, why bother. Well, If they are going to know that I have guns in my house, I want them to know that they are safe.
That person in my house is not likely a thief. At least I hope not. BUT, people talk and you can't stop them. When they see a bunch of beautiful guns nicely displayed, they WILL say something to somebody at some point.
This way, they also pass along how safely they are stored and the fact that they are "unstealable".
Thieves, contrary to televison, are generally looking for an easy score. They are lazy. They are not going to attack a place they know is protected.
I first purchased one of these cabinets. After a couple of years, my collection had grown and I wanted another one to match the one I had. The cabinet maker graciously made me two new ones to ensure the colors matched and then took back the one I had in trade.
I haven't heard anything from this guy in many years (over fifteen). I've never seen these cabinets anywhere else.
He is/was a fine craftsman and the detail work on these cabinets is beautiful.
I am selling them for $1995.00 each. These are a real bargain. They are in excellent condition. The second cabinet has been set up to display handguns across the bottom row and uses multiple mounts horizontally.
I have seen lockable displays that were also very safe but they did not do as near of a good job displaying the guns and they start at over $4,000.00.
These are fabulous pieces. Get one while you can.